I have these Bluetooth headphones that I purchased a while back. I absolutely love them and how they seem to cancel out every sound around me. When I have them on, I am in my own little world.
While at work, I was on my lunch break. I had just heated up my lunch and sat down to eat. I realized I had nothing to eat with. No spoon or fork in sight. I quickly ran to my office where I had leftover utensils from an office celebration. As I made it to my office, I realized I left my phone behind. This only became apparent to me as I heard the headphones indicate, “disconnected” . I was out of range for a connection to the headphones. In other words, I was too far away. As I walked back toward the employee lounge, fork in hand and getting closer to my phone, the headphones indicate, “connected”. I felt a quick sigh of relief.
There is a direct connection between God and peace and the world and chaos.
My overthinking self got me to thinking. How does this reflect our lives with Christ?? I will be honest. There are times when it seems like my life is extremely chaotic, and all hell is breaking loose, this is when I have become disconnected from Christ. Imagine the darkest place of your life. Think of the all the things that were happening either internally or externally. Was this a period of disconnection or connection? You see, your life becomes who and what you are in relationship with. There is a direct connection between God and peace and the world and chaos. Things that are not of God enter the chat when you are disconnected from him but when you are connected to him…… Get Ready for the best ride of your life!!!!
Apart for God, you can do nothing.
The headphones alone could not function or serve their purpose. In fact, the farther I got away from the source the less I could hear what I was supposed to. Connected to the source they could function their best ! God doesn’t want a long distance relationship. He wants you to be close to him. He wants you connected at all times. There’s a scripture that goes: Draw near to him and he will draw near to you ( Jame4:8). I also love the scripture that says: apart from God you can do nothing (John 5:15). This is evident in our lives when we witness all he has done, is doing and will continue to do for us. Think of your best friend and all the ways you maintain a relationship with them. Do the same for Christ. If you are struggling with feeling disconnected from Christ, try these things to help you get back connected.
Ready/ Study Bible Daily
Talk/ pray to God
Spend quality quiet time with God
Invite/ surrender to God into every area of your life
Continue to discover, accept and chase your purpose. Please like, comment and share if this blessed you. God bless you on purpose!
Wow u need to create a devotional in You verse Bible app. This is great Thank you