Here I am, in the waiting area of Takara Steak and Sushi’s restaurant to be seated. I was there for a dear friends birthday dinner. I was in a hot pink dress with clear block heels. Ya know the kind of shoes that look good but your feet dread. I pressed on ,with the thought that I would be seated. I made conversation with some familiar and missed faces around me and suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. There was another woman that was apart of the waiting birthday diner party. She politely told me that I was waking around with the ROSS price tag on me. There was a kind lady that saw the price tag and told another to bring it to my attention. As I thanked her and told her, “Not all heroes wear capes”, I couldn’t helped but feel the slightest bit ashamed and embarrassed. But I know I had no reason to be. It was a unintentional and a honest mistake. Im usually good about catching the price tags on my clothes. This time I missed it.
It occurred to me that some of us often feel shame and embarrassment of the price that was paid by Jesus dying for our sins. Even though we know the price cannot be quantified into a number. Why is there that cringe or uncomfortable feeling when we are reminded of that ultimate display of love and sacrifice? Are we e with the sacrifice or what that means we shall sacrifice? Or could it be that we often don’t want to pay the cost of living for Christ ( turning from our sins) and follow his example? We ignore this truth more than we would like to admit. Many of us are going throughout our life saying that we want to be apart of God’s plan and ignoring the cost he paid. This concept got me thinking deeper and I believe that you miss the price tag when you aren’t the paying the full price. Everyone knows the ROSS slogan: Dress for Less. That cute pink dress only cost me a hot 15.00 bucks. The cost was very minimal. Call me what you want, I love a good deal. But how is this reflected in our Christian lives?? Are we okay with very low cost practices of faith, time with God, prayer, etc? If so, consider how this feels to God.
If you find this familiar then join me in this prayer:
“Lord help me to be constantly aware and not ashamed of the price you paid for me. For I know that it costs more than I could ever repay. You dedicated your life for me and I ask for your help for me to do the same I return. Help me fully surrender to you. Let it be evident that I am living for you and nothing else. Decrease me and increase you. In Jesus name, AMEN”.
Amen💕 This was amazing! I ask myself a lot am I doing enough or am I doing the minimum work for God. I guess if I’m not giving my all then I wouldn’t be questioning myself. With todays world it seems that if you are not like society you are looked at as weird. I will talk about God all day with no care in the world as to how it makes anyone feel. I mean, look at all the amazing things he has done for me, why not🤷🏾♀️