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Process of Success


Lately I have taken an interest in studying the journey of people that have reached extreme success in their careers. Ya know people like Oprah, Beyoncé, Steve Jobs, to name a few. While I’m amazed at how great and skilled to they have all become in their careers, I realized that despite how it seems, this success did not happen overnight. What Oprah, Beyoncé and Steve Jobs share is that they had to overcome doubt, people not getting their vision and being ahead of their time, and the unstable belief that their dreams were reality.

When God lead me to start this blog/ movement, I thought because he gave me the idea, it would be an overnight success. What was I thinking??? Did I have the wrong definition of success? Did I hear him wrong? How do I become successful in this place he called me to ? What I later understood was there is a process for success the way God intended.Yes God will ensure we are successful waking in purpose but the formula may look a little different.

Step 1- Discover your true purpose

Step 2- Accept your purpose

Step 3:  Actively Chase Your Purpose

Disclaimer: There is a huge space between your planting and your harvest, please don’t be alarmed or discouraged…. KEEP GOING

Step 4: Wait for the fruits of your labor and God timing to Align

Step 5: Celebrate success and give God All the Praise

The process to success is not for the faint of heart or faint of faith. It can make you want to quit and run away but it’s all going to be worth it in the end. I don’t know about you but, I just want to hear, “WELL DONE”. Can I get an Amen?!!

Thank you for reading!!

God bless you! Stay Encouraged & Let God Fill in Your Blank.


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Miembro desconocido
12 sept 2022

Amen !!!

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