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Wait Your Turn


As children we are taught in school to make sure we share, treat each other the way we want to be treated and to take turns. Taking turns requires two things: patience and waiting. Most of us are willing to take turns until we realize that someone has to wait and the other gets to take. This concept seemed very simple but is actually profound. It isn’t until now that I look back and realize how important it is to wait YOUR turn.

There was always two things that happened: there was kid who was willing to wait and another who would do anything except wait. How many of us are like this? Throwing a tantrum because we want what we want and right now is all we want to hear. Good things comes to those who are willing to wait. Think of all Hod was able to in just 6 days!!! Can you imagine how much more he can do with a longer span of time? Psalms 40:1 says “I waited and waited for the Lord to help me and he turned to me and he heard my cry”.

I know that there are lots of people popping up out of nowhere with the things you have been waiting on!! This proves that God is still in the blessing business! If you are in a season where you are looking for the things you were promised: job/ opportunity, spouse, children, or help…. remember God has not forgotten and is working on it non stop. Get this: the REWARD for your wait will make you forget all about the wait!!! Ask yourself these questions

Am I really willing to wait my turn? Are you waiting right now? Is it worth the wait? How will I feel when it is my turn? How will I give God the glory when my wait over?? You stay encouraged!

Continue to discover, accept and chase your purpose.

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